Thursday, January 6, 2011

One Day at a Time

A couple of times a week my life starts to move in slow motion for a few hours. These are the days in which I have to drive my father to the hospital to get a dressing change on his foot. As many of you already know, or at least the people that care do, my father almost died. He had half of his left foot amputated. According to the surgeon if we had not gone to the doctor that evening, he could have been dead my morning. I know drive my dad twice, used to be three times, a week to get his foot checked out and his dressing (bandages) changed. Every day that we get this done I have to face the reality that this actually did happen. I am there in the room with him and see it all in front of me...hoping to not receive any bad news from the surgeon. Life for me has become a greek tragedy. As life would have it though, I am not even the protagonist in my life that role my friends.


I have been awake for hours now. I rarely sleep and I really do not know why. There seems to be a weight on my shoulders that cannot be lifted no matter how hard I try, and I have tried many things to do so. Recently, I have discovered that there is one thing I look forward to every minute that I am awake. It never seems to last too long and seems almost childish to look forward to such a meaningless and empty activity. However, at this point in my life...anything that can free me, if only for a while, is worth looking forward to.